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Organized by:

CRENoS (North South Economic Research Center) Università di Cagliari and Università di Sassari (

UMR 6240 LISA, CNRS, Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli (


In all meetings, participants will have the opportunity to present their work to an audience
homogeneous in terms of research interests and get valuable feedback for improving
their ongoing research. The event format and locations are ideal for promoting
knowledge sharing and social interactions conducive to collaborative research networks.
We encourage submissions by junior researchers.

The conference will be in-person. No hybrid or online format


The event will take place at two different venues according to the following schedule

Alghero, Sardinia (Italy) 16-19 June 2025 

Political economy

16-17 June

Corporate finance, financial intermediation and macro-finance

18-19 June

with the financial support of

L.R. 7/2007

D.M. 737/2021 risorse 2021-2022

UNIVERSITA_PASQUALE_PAOLI (Copia in conflitto di Luca Deidda Uniss,  DISEA,  Via Muroni 25
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